Aluminum foil for pans is usually thicker and stronger than typical kitchen foil to withstand high heat and stress. Aluminium foil yemapani anogona kushandiswa kuvhara pasi pepani kuti chikafu chisanamatira paari, uye kugadzira marani ezvipfunga nemabhakeware kudzivirira kuti chikafu chisaramire pasi kana pani.
The use of aluminum foil for pans is similar to that of ordinary aluminum foil, which can be cut to the desired size and shape according to needs, then placed on the bottom of the pan or on the baking sheet, and finally the food is placed on it for cooking. Using aluminum foil for pans is an easy and quick way to reduce cleaning up the bottoms of pans and bakeware, so it’s handy to have some in the kitchen.
Rutivi rwakajeka rwakapetwa kaviri
Alloy: 3003, 8011 etc
Temper: O ( TO ), H22, H24 nezvimwewo
Ukobvu: 20 micron, 200 micron nezvimwe
Upamhi: 100mm, 600mm zvichingodaro
Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. ndiye mutungamiri weazhinji aruminiyamu anogadzira uye vatengesi muChina. Isu tinonyatso kudzora kunaka uye kutarisa kune vatengi. Isu tinovimba kuve nekubatana kwakadzama newe uye kukupa iwe yemhando yepamusoro aluminium zvinhu zvigadzirwa tsika OEM masevhisi. Kana iwe uchida kuwana mitengo mitsva uye yakanakisa nekg kana patani yakajairwa huremu, ndapota taura nesu.