What is aluminum foil for tablet packaging

Moisture-proof, anti-oxidation uye chiedza-proof properties: Aluminium foil yekurongedza piritsi ine yakanakisa hunyoro-uchapupu, anti-oxidation uye chiedza-proof properties, iyo inogona kunyatsodzivirira mishonga kubva kune unyoro, oksijeni uye chiedza, nokudaro zvichiwedzera hupenyu hwesherufu uye nguva yechokwadi yemishonga.

Kunamatira kwakanaka: Aluminum foil for tablet packaging has excellent adhesion, which can closely adhere to the surface of the medicine, prevent oxygen and moisture from entering the medicine, and prevent the medicine from absorbing external odors.

Good rigidity and tensile properties: Aluminum foil for tablet packaging has good rigidity and tensile properties, which can effectively protect medicines from external extrusion and deformation.

Sanitation, safety and convenience: The aluminum foil material for tablet packaging has the characteristics of sanitation, safety and convenience. It is easy to pack, store and carry, and is convenient for patients to use.
tablet wrapping aluminum foil

Product type

Sei kusarudza isu?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. ndiye mutungamiri weazhinji aruminiyamu anogadzira uye vatengesi muChina. Isu tinonyatso kudzora kunaka uye kutarisa kune vatengi. Isu tinovimba kuve nekubatana kwakadzama newe uye kukupa iwe yemhando yepamusoro aluminium zvinhu zvigadzirwa tsika OEM masevhisi. Kana iwe uchida kuwana mitengo mitsva uye yakanakisa nekg kana patani yakajairwa huremu, ndapota taura nesu.

Aluminium foil yekugadzira mutsara


  • Package: Wooden kesi
  • Standard Wooden kesi yakatarwa: Kureba*Kufara*Kureba=1.4m*1.3m*0.8m
  • Kamwe kanodiwa,huni kesi dimension inogona kugadzirwa patsva sezvinodiwa.
  • Panyaya yemapuranga Gross Weight scale: 500-700KG Net Weight: 450-650KG
  • Remark: Zvekurongedza zvakakosha zvinodiwa, zvinoenderana zvichawedzerwa saizvozvo.