Aluminum foil for flexible baakad

Use1235/1145 Aluminium foil for high temperature cooking food packaging1235/1145 Duubka aluminiumka ee baakadaha dareeraha ah ee cuntada1235/1145 Duubka aluminiumka ee baakadaha cuntada adag1235/1145 Aluminum foil for pharmaceutical packaging
CharacteristicIt has strong ductility and elongation characteristics and has good thermal stability, godad yar, and good shapeHas high toughness, godad yar, and good shapeThe surface of aluminum foil is clean, pollution-free, low pinhole, and in good shapeThe surface of aluminum foil is highly clean, non-polluting, has low pinhole, and good shape
xanaaq OOO
Thickness tolerance(%)≦5≦5≦5≦5
Flatness tolerance(I)≦15≦15≦15≦15
Common widths and tolerances(㎜)(400-1200)+01(400-1200)+01(400-1200)+01(400-1200)+01
Mechanical behaviortensile strength(N/㎜2)70-10070-10060-9060-90
Number of pinholes(P/m2)505010505010505010505010
QoyaankaClass A (Tijaabada biyaha caday)Class A (Tijaabada biyaha caday)Class A (Tijaabada biyaha caday)Class A (Tijaabada biyaha caday)
The maximum outer diameter of aluminum coil(㎜)500500500500
Core tube inner diameter(㎜)76767676
Aluminum coil joint rate70% no joint; 25% one joint; 5% two joints70% no joint; 25% one joint; 5% two joints70% no joint; 25% one joint; 5% two joints70% no joint; 25% one joint; 5% two joints
Surface QualityA. The surface of the aluminum foil is flat.
B. The surface of the aluminum foil is clean, without corrosion marks, oil marks, wrinkles, slits, scratches, light and dark lines, rubber roller marks, vibration marks, twill lines, iwm.
C. There are no bright spots, roll marks, grinding wheel marks and black lines on the surface of aluminum foil.
D. The surface of the finished aluminum foil has no yellow oil spots, oil sticking, blistering and tearing formed by the burning of the lubricating oil.
Appearance QualityThe section of the aluminum foil is neat and clean, without burrs, cracked edges, edge clips, towers, loose coils, die string out, arrows, string layers, lifting bars, bumps and other defects, and the welding is firm.

If the above data parameters do not meet your requirements, please contact us and tell us your needs.


Maxaa noo doora?

Hal qayb oo ka mid ah Henan Huawei Aluminum Co., Ltd., Ltd. waa hogaamiyaha wax soo saarka iyo alaab-qeybiyeyaasha badan ee Shiinaha. Waxaan si adag u xakameynaa tayada waxaana diirada saareynaa macaamiisha. Waxaan rajeyneynaa inaan kula yeelano wadashaqeyn qoto dheer oo aan ku siino alaab tayo sare leh oo aluminium ah oo adeegyo OEM ah oo caado ah. Haddii aad rabto in aad hesho qiimaha ugu cusub uguna wanaagsan halkii kg ama tan miisaanka caadiga ah, fadlan nala soo xidhiidh.

Khadka wax soo saarka bireed aluminium


  • Xidhmada: Kiis alwaax ah
  • Standard alwaax qeexidda kiiska: Dhererka*Balac*dherer=1.4m*1.3m*0.8m
  • Marka loo baahdo,cabbir kiis alwaax ah ayaa dib loo qaabayn karaa sida loo baahdo.
  • Kiis kasta oo alwaax ah Miisaanka Guud: 500-700KG Miisaanka saafiga ah: 450-650KG
  • Odhaah: Shuruudaha baakadaha gaarka ah, u dhiganta waa in lagu daraa si waafaqsan.