Алуминијумска фолија за паковање

Aluminum foil is a very common metal material that can be used as a packaging material. It is also one of the few alloys that can be used as a packaging raw material. Међу њима, aluminum foil is most commonly used for food packaging or pharmaceutical packaging. Међу њима, алуминијумска фолија 20 micron is a commonly used aluminum foil for pharmaceutical packaging.


20миц медицинска алуминијумска фолија

20mic aluminum foil refers to aluminum foil with a thickness of 20 микрона (0.002mm thickness aluminum foil). 20 micron aluminum foil is a material that is directly rolled into thin sheets with metal aluminum. It has a soft texture, добра дуктилност, a silvery white luster, and is easy to process and print. Стога, it can be used as a good packaging material for pharmaceuticals.


Карактеристике 20 micron medical aluminum foil

20 micron medical aluminum foil is a special aluminum foil, a very thin aluminum foil material used in the pharmaceutical and medical industries. Aluminum foil 20mic is known for its barrier properties, strength and ability to maintain the integrity of packaged products.
Поред тога, there are other performance advantages.
Light, thin and soft: Due to the thin thickness of 0.002mm aluminum foil, 20 micron aluminum foil has the characteristics of light, thin and soft, easy to process and form.
Добра топлотна проводљивост: Aluminum foil itself has good thermal conductivity, so 20 micron aluminum foil also has this feature.
Отпорност на корозију: Aluminum foil is resistant to corrosion to a variety of chemicals, и 20 micron aluminum foil can maintain its characteristics even in special environments.
Изолација: In electrical applications, 20 micron aluminum foil exhibits good insulation properties.

Barrier properties of 20mic foil for pharmaceutical use

Barrier properties are the primary consideration for pharmaceutical packaging materials, and should be able to prevent external factors from interfering with the medicine.

Moisture-proof: protect the contents from moisture and humidity.
Light barrier: prevent exposure to ultraviolet and visible light to protect light-sensitive drugs.
Oxygen barrier: limit exposure to oxygen to prevent oxidation of sensitive drugs.

20 micron aluminum foil pharma alloy

The selection of 20 micron aluminum foil pharma alloy is based on its mechanical properties, barrier capability and formability, which are critical for pharmaceutical packaging applications such as blister packaging.

Common alloys for 20 micron aluminum foil pharma

легура 8011
Композиција: Ал (balance), И (0.5% – 0.9%), Фе (0.6% – 1.0%)
High strength and good ductility.
Excellent barrier properties to moisture, кисеоник и светлост.
Good formability makes it suitable for blister cover foil.
Апликација: Mainly used for blister packaging, strip packaging and heat seal cover foil.

легура 8021
Композиција: Алуминијум (balance), Гвожђе (0.7% – 1.3%), Силицијум (0.5% – 0.9%)
Higher strength and higher elongation compared to 8011.
Excellent deep drawability, ideal for cold forming blister foil (aluminum-aluminum).
Enhanced barrier protection, especially against gases and moisture.
Applications: For cold-formed (aluminum-aluminum) blister packaging where maximum protection is required for highly sensitive pharmaceutical products.

легура 8079:
Композиција: Алуминијум (balance), Гвожђе (0.7% – 1.3%), Силицијум (0.05% – 0.3%)
Excellent tensile strength and good formability.
Very good barrier properties, including resistance to vapor, gas and contaminants.
Typically preferred when higher ductility is required.
Applications: Primarily used for high barrier packaging such as strip packs and specialty blister foils.

Зашто изабрати нас?

Хенан Хуавеи Алуминиум Цо., доо. је лидер многих произвођача и добављача алуминијума у ​​Кини. Строго контролишемо квалитет и фокусирамо се на купце. Надамо се да ћемо имати дубинску сарадњу са вама и пружити вам висококвалитетне производе од алуминијумског материјала прилагођене ОЕМ услуге. Ако желите да добијете најновије и најбоље цене по кг или по тони стандардне тежине, контактирајте нас.

Линија за производњу алуминијумске фолије


  • Пакет: Дрвена кутија
  • Стандардна дрвена спецификација кућишта: Дужина*Ширина*Висина=1,4м*1,3м*0,8м
  • Једном потребно,Димензија дрвеног кућишта се може редизајнирати по потреби.
  • По дрвеном сандуку Скала бруто тежине: 500-700КГ Нето тежина: 450-650КГ
  • Напомена: За посебне захтеве за паковање, одговарајући ће се додати у складу са тим.