8006 легура алуминијумске фолије је легура алуминијума која се не обрађује топлотом. Тхе 8006 алуминијумска фолија product has a bright surface and is degreasing clean. Посебно погодан за прављење кутија за ручак без бора. Huawei Aluminum’s 8006 алуминијумска фолија усваја методу топлог ваљања, а затезна чврстоћа је између 123-135Мпа.
8006 aluminum alloy is an aluminum alloy material with aluminum as the main component and other alloying elements added. Its chemical composition mainly includes aluminum (Ал) and other elements such as iron (Фе), silicon (И), copper (Цу), манган (Мн), magnesium (Мг), итд.
Due to its excellent performance characteristics, 8006 aluminum alloy is widely used in many fields such as household foil, container foil, medicine foil, паковање хране, итд.
8006 aluminum foil is a special container foil product that can be used to produce wrinkle-free lunch boxes. After stamping, the edges are wrinkle-free and the appearance is flat and smooth. Huawei Aluminum’s 8006 aluminum foil is hot-rolled, with a tensile strength between 123-135. Тхе 8006 aluminum foil product reaches the A-grade water-brushing grade, with a flat plate shape and a clean surface without oil stains.
In the 8000 серије, 8011, 8021, и 8079 aluminum foil are the most commonly used alloys for pharmaceutical packaging. Поред тога, 8006 aluminum foil is also an alloy foil that can be used for фармацеутска амбалажа. 8006 aluminum foil has excellent physical and chemical properties and has significant application advantages in pharmaceutical packaging. 8006 aluminum foil has high barrier properties and can effectively protect pharmaceuticals from moisture and humidity. As an impermeable material, aluminum foil can keep pharmaceuticals dry, ensuring their stability and active ingredients are not affected. Поред тога, aluminum foil can prevent oxygen and other gases from entering pharmaceutical packaging, further protecting the quality of pharmaceuticals. This characteristic of 8006 foil is particularly important for pharmaceuticals that need to be protected from light, влаге, and oxidation.
8006 алуминијумске фолије и 8011 алуминијумска фолија have higher tensile strength, which can reach 125-135 Mpa, while the convexity and elongation of 8006 aluminum foil are much higher than that of 8011 алуминијумска фолија. What’s more, 8006 aluminum foil is produced by a hot rolling process. After punching, the edges are free of wrinkles, and the appearance is beautiful. Widely used in airplane lunch boxes in European countries.
Хенан Хуавеи Алуминиум Цо., доо. је лидер многих произвођача и добављача алуминијума у Кини. Строго контролишемо квалитет и фокусирамо се на купце. Надамо се да ћемо имати дубинску сарадњу са вама и пружити вам висококвалитетне производе од алуминијумског материјала прилагођене ОЕМ услуге. Ако желите да добијете најновије и најбоље цене по кг или по тони стандардне тежине, контактирајте нас.