Aluminum foil for sealing is a kind of aluminum foil used for sealing packaging. Обично се састоји од алуминијумске фолије и пластичне фолије и других материјала, и има добре перформансе заптивања и перформансе очувања свежине. Алуминијумска фолија за заптивање се широко користи у паковању хране, лек, козметика, медицинске опреме и других индустрија.
Aluminum foil for sealing is generally composed of aluminum foil and plastic film. Aluminum foil plays the role of protection, oxygen insulation, moisture resistance and heat insulation, while plastic film has flexibility and plasticity, which is convenient for packaging and sealing. Commonly used aluminum foil materials for sealing include aluminum-plastic composite film, paper-aluminum-plastic composite film, PET aluminum-plastic composite film, итд.
Aluminum foil for sealing plays a very important role in packaging. It can effectively protect the quality and safety of food, medicine and other products, and extend the shelf life of products. У исто време, the aluminum foil for sealing can also improve the aesthetics and added value of the product, and enhance the market competitiveness of the product.
легура: 8011 ,8021 итд
Нарав: О ( ТО )
Дебљина: 30 микрона, 60 micron etc
Ширина: 200мм, 1400mm etc
Aluminum foil is commonly used for sealing purposes as its unique combination of properties make it very effective at maintaining freshness, preventing contamination and maintaining product integrity. Some advantages of using aluminum foil seals include:
Баријерна својства: Aluminum foil is a good barrier to moisture, светлости, oxygen and other pollutants. This barrier helps protect package contents from external factors that can reduce their quality, flavor and shelf life.
Очување свежине: The barrier properties of aluminum foil help keep packaged products fresh by preventing the ingress of air and moisture, which can lead to staleness, spoilage and flavor degradation.
Long shelf life: Products sealed with aluminum foil tend to have a longer shelf life than those that are less effective as a barrier. Reducing exposure to external elements helps maintain product quality and safety over the long term.
Light Protection: Aluminum foil reflects and blocks light, including ultraviolet (UV) светлости, which can cause photochemical reactions and degradation of sensitive products such as pharmaceuticals and certain foods.
Tamper Resistant: Aluminum foil is easily and securely sealed, and since the integrity of the foil is compromised, any tampering attempts are usually clearly visible. This provides tamper resistance, which is critical to ensuring consumer safety and product authenticity.
Customizable Shapes and Sizes: Aluminum foil can be easily shaped, molded and cut to create custom seals for all types of packaging, including bottles, containers, blister packs and bags.
HEAT SEALABLE: Aluminum foil is heat sealable to create an airtight and secure seal. Heat sealing is a widely used method in the packaging industry to secure the contents from external elements.
Adaptability: Aluminum foil is compatible with various packaging materials such as plastic, glass, папир, итд., and can be applied in various industries.
Cost-effective: Aluminum foil is relatively cost-effective compared to some other high-barrier packaging materials. Its effectiveness in preserving produce helps reduce potential losses due to spoilage and waste.
Recyclability: Aluminum foil is highly recyclable and can be easily recycled with other aluminum products. This is consistent with sustainable development efforts and environmental considerations.
Versatility: Aluminum foil is widely used in food and beverage, фармацеутских производа, cosmetics and other industries, highlighting its versatility and adaptability to different product types.
Могућност штампања: Aluminum foil can be printed with important information such as brand, product details, directions for use and expiration dates.
The advantages of aluminum foil in terms of sealing make it a popular choice for packaging and preserving a variety of products, helping to improve the quality, safety and longevity of products.
Хенан Хуавеи Алуминиум Цо., доо. је лидер многих произвођача и добављача алуминијума у Кини. Строго контролишемо квалитет и фокусирамо се на купце. Надамо се да ћемо имати дубинску сарадњу са вама и пружити вам висококвалитетне производе од алуминијумског материјала прилагођене ОЕМ услуге. Ако желите да добијете најновије и најбоље цене по кг или по тони стандардне тежине, контактирајте нас.