Добродошли у Хуавеи Алуминиум, ваш поуздан партнер у свету висококвалитетних ролни алуминијумске фолије за ламиниране апликације. Са наслеђем изврсности и иновација, нудимо широк спектар производа од алуминијумске фолије који задовољавају различите потребе индустрије широм света.

Laminated Foils
Laminated Foils

About Huawei Aluminum

Huawei Aluminum is a renowned manufacturer and wholesaler of aluminum foil products, serving industries such as food packaging, фармацеутских производа, електроника, и више. Our commitment to quality, precision, and customer satisfaction has made us a leader in the aluminum foil industry.

Our Aluminum Foil Rolls

Our Aluminum Foil Rolls are manufactured to the highest industry standards, ensuring superior performance and reliability. We offer a wide variety of alloy models and specifications to meet your specific requirements. Испод, you will find a comprehensive table displaying the most common alloy models and their specifications:

Alloy ModelДебљина (мм)Ширина (мм)НаравFeatures
80110.006-0.2100-1600O/H14Food Grade, Excellent Barrier Properties
12350.006-0.2100-1600ОHigh Purity, Great Heat Resistance
80790.006-0.2100-1600ОFlexible and Durable
30030.006-0.2100-1600Х22Excellent for Packaging and Lamination

These are just a few examples of the alloy models we offer. If you have specific requirements or need a different alloy, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Key Features

1. Excellent Barrier Properties

Our Aluminum Foil Rolls, especially the 8011 легура, are widely used in the food industry due to their exceptional barrier properties. They protect food from moisture, светлости, и загађивачи, ensuring longer shelf life and maintaining freshness.

Laminated Foil Roll
Laminated Foil Roll

2. High Purity

Aluminum Foil Rolls made from the 1235 alloy are known for their high purity. They are commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry for packaging drugs and medicines, ensuring product safety and effectiveness.

3. Flexibility and Durability

Тхе 8079 alloy offers excellent flexibility and durability, making it ideal for various applications, including flexible packaging and insulation.

4. Great Heat Resistance

Тхе 1235 alloy exhibits outstanding heat resistance, making it suitable for high-temperature applications, such as insulation and heat exchangers.


Our Aluminum Foil Rolls are versatile and find applications in a wide range of industries, укључујући:

  • Food Packaging: Our foil rolls are used for packaging snacks, посластичарница, dairy products, и више.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Ideal for packaging medicines, капсуле, and other pharmaceutical products.
  • Електроника: Used for insulation, heat dissipation, and electromagnetic shielding.
  • Construction: Applied in HVAC systems, топлотна изолација, and moisture barriers.
  • Aerospace: Used for its lightweight and heat-resistant properties in aircraft components.


У Хуавеи Алуминиум, we understand that each industry has unique requirements. Стога, we offer customization services to meet your specific needs. Whether it’s a different alloy, thickness, or width, we can tailor our products to match your exact specifications.

Aluminum Foil Laminated Roll
Aluminum Foil Laminated Roll

Quality Assurance

Quality is at the core of our manufacturing process. We adhere to strict quality control measures to ensure that every Aluminum Foil Roll we produce meets the highest standards. Our commitment to quality extends to every stage of production, from raw materials to the finished product.


We are dedicated to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Our aluminum foil products are 100% recyclable, reducing the environmental impact. We also strive to minimize waste in our manufacturing processes and continually seek more sustainable materials and practices.

Aluminum Foil Laminated Paper roll for sale
Aluminum Foil Laminated Paper roll for sale

Контактирајте нас

If you have any questions, need a quote, or would like to discuss your specific requirements, please contact our team at [email address] или [phone number]. We are here to assist you and provide expert guidance on choosing the right Aluminum Foil Roll for your laminated applications.

Huawei Aluminum is your one-stop solution for high-quality Aluminum Foil Rolls for Laminated applications. Trust us for superior quality, customization, and exceptional service.

Thank you for choosing Huawei Aluminum as your partner in the world of aluminum foil products. We look forward to serving you.

Зашто изабрати нас?

Хенан Хуавеи Алуминиум Цо., доо. је лидер многих произвођача и добављача алуминијума у ​​Кини. Строго контролишемо квалитет и фокусирамо се на купце. Надамо се да ћемо имати дубинску сарадњу са вама и пружити вам висококвалитетне производе од алуминијумског материјала прилагођене ОЕМ услуге. Ако желите да добијете најновије и најбоље цене по кг или по тони стандардне тежине, контактирајте нас.

Линија за производњу алуминијумске фолије


  • Пакет: Дрвена кутија
  • Стандардна дрвена спецификација кућишта: Дужина*Ширина*Висина=1,4м*1,3м*0,8м
  • Једном потребно,Димензија дрвеног кућишта се може редизајнирати по потреби.
  • По дрвеном сандуку Скала бруто тежине: 500-700КГ Нето тежина: 450-650КГ
  • Напомена: За посебне захтеве за паковање, одговарајући ће се додати у складу са тим.