Ntle le ho paka sakerete, lits'ebetso tsa foil ea aluminium indastering ea liphutheloana li kenyelletsa haholo: mekotla e kopantsoeng ea aluminium-plastiki, sephutheloana sa aluminium foil blister le sephutheloana sa chokolete. Libiri tse ling tsa maemo a holimo li boetse li phuthetsoe ka foil ea aluminium molomong oa botlolo. Sephutheloana sa bongaka Sephutheloana sa blister ea meriana se kenyelletsa foil ea aluminium ea moriana, Letlapa le thata la polasetiki ea PVC, bohloko bo bakang mocheso ...
PTP aluminium Blister foil parameter Alloy 1235, 8011, 8021 etc Temper O( HO ), H18, etc Bophara 300 limilimithara, 600mm, joalo-joalo Botenya OP: 0.5 - 1.5 g/m2 Aluminium foil: 20 micron ( 0.02mm ), 25 micron ( 0.025mm ), 30 micron ( 0.3mm ) etc HSL ( VC ):3 - 4.5 gsm Se qalang: 1gsm Surface kalafo Laminated, khatiso, Lehlakore le le leng le khanyang, etc Ke eng ptp aluminium blister foil ...
Mofuta oa motsoako oa aluminium foil bakeng sa litlolo 8011 aluminium foil 8021 motsoako oa aluminium foil 8079 aluminium foil alloy Ho kae aluminium foil bakeng sa litlolo tse sebelisoang litlolong? 1-Sephutheloana: Lihlahisoa tse ling ka litlolo, joalo ka limaske tsa sefahleho, limaske tsa mahlo, li-mask tsa molomo, likotopo, etc., hangata sebelisa liphutheloana tsa aluminium foil, hobane foil ea aluminium e na le bopaki bo botle ba mongobo, anti-oxidation, ho thibela mocheso, ho boloka bocha le ...
ke eng e Pure aluminium foil? Aluminium ke hore 99% e hloekileng kapa e phahameng e bitsoa aluminium e hloekileng. Aluminium ea mantlha, tšepe e hlahisoang ka seboping sa electrolysis, e na le letoto la "litšila". Leha ho le joalo, ka kakaretso, ho feta feela likarolo tsa tšepe le silicon 0.01%. Bakeng sa foil kholo ho feta 0.030 mm (30µm), motsoako o tloaelehileng oa aluminium ke en aw-1050: foil e hloekileng ea aluminium e nang le bonyane 99.5% aluminium. (Aluminium e kholoanyane tha ...
Aluminium foil bakeng sa foil board ke eng Aluminium foil bakeng sa boto ea foil e bolela mofuta o khethehileng oa foil oa aluminium o sebelisetsoang ho etsa boto ea foil, e tsejoang hape e le "thepa ea foil". Hangata maqephe a foil a sebelisoa ho paka lijo le meriana ho li sireletsa moeeng, mongobo, menko, leseli le likarolo tse ling tsa kantle. Aluminium foil bakeng sa mapolanka a foil hangata e tenya ho feta foil e tloaelehileng ea aluminium, hangata pakeng tsa 0.2-0.3 mm ...
Linaha le libaka tseo ho tsona HWALU aluminium foil e rekisoang hantle Asia: China, Japane, India, Korea, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Singapore, etc. amerika e leboea: United States, Canada, Mexico, etc. Europe: Jeremane, UK, Fora, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, etc. Oceania: Australia, New zealand, etc. Amerika Bohareng le Boroa: Brazil, A ...
Ha ke lumele hore li teng 20 e sebelisoa bakeng sa foil ea aluminium! ! ! Aluminium foil ke thepa e sebelisoang haholo. Aluminium foil e na le mefuta e mengata e sebelisoang bophelong ba letsatsi le letsatsi le lits'ebetso tsa indasteri ka lebaka la boima ba eona bo bobebe, tshebetso e ntle ya tshebetso, kenyeletso e phahameng, ho hanyetsa mocheso o phahameng, ho hanyetsa mongobo, ho hanyetsa kutu le litšobotsi tse ling. Mona ke lisebelisoa tse mashome a mabeli tsa foil ea aluminium: 1. Aluminium ...
Phapang Pakeng Tsa Tšepe le Aluminium Ke Litšepe Tsa Aluminium Ke Eng? Na u tseba aluminium? Aluminium ke ntho ea tšepe e nang le tlhaho e ngata. Ke tšepe e bobebe e bosoeu e nang le ductility e ntle, khanyetso ea kutu, le bobebe. Aluminium tšepe e ka etsoa ka melamu (lithupa tsa aluminium), maqephe (lipoleiti tsa aluminium), foils (aluminium foil), meqolo (meqolo ea aluminium), maqephe (likhoele tsa aluminium), le likhoele. Aluminium ...
Aluminium foil e koahetsoeng e thehoa ka mor'a phekolo ea holim'a metsi motheong oa foil e sa koahetsoeng ea aluminium. Ho phaella ho metsoako ea lik'hemik'hale, thepa ea mechine le litekanyo tsa thutatekanyo tse hlokoang ke foil ea aluminium e sa koahetsoeng ka holimo, hape e lokela ho ba le sebopeho se setle le sebopeho. ho roala thepa. 1. Mofuta oa poleiti ea foil ea aluminium: Ntlha ea pele, ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso ea foil ea aluminium e koahetsoeng e hloka hore alum ...
E leng 8000 letoto la motsoako o loketse haholoanyane bakeng sa foil alu alu? Bakeng sa foil ea alu alu, aluminium foil bakeng sa ho paka meriana, khetho ea thepa ea motheo e hloka ho ela hloko lintlha tse kang thepa ea thibelo, matla a mochini, ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso le litšenyehelo tsa foil ea aluminium. Lisebelisoa tsa motheo tsa aluminium li lokela ho ba le thibelo e ntle ea mongobo, mokoallo oa moea, thepa e sireletsang khanya, le ...
1-E thibelang mongobo le anti-oxidation: Aluminium foil paper e ka thibela lijo hore li se ke tsa koloba le ho ba oxidized mme tsa baka ho senyeha, e le ho boloka bocha le tatso ea lijo. 2-Mocheso oa mocheso: Thermal conductivity ea aluminium foil paper e tlase haholo, e ka thibelang mocheso hantle le ho thibela tahlehelo ea mocheso. 3-Ho thibela mahlaseli a UV: Aluminium foil e ka thibela mahlaseli a UV ka katleho le ho sireletsa ...
Heavy duty aluminum foil and aluminum foil are both made of aluminum by rolling, and they have many similarities. The biggest difference between the two is the thickness, which also leads to differences in many aspects of performance. The main difference Ordinary aluminum foil: generally refers to aluminum foil with a thinner thickness and used for conventional packaging, protection and other purposes. Its ...