9 micron aluminum foil refers to aluminum foil with a thickness of 9 mikron (atawa 0.009 mm). 9mic thickness type foil is very thin, flexible, lightweight and barrier protection, and is often used in various applications. Aluminium foil 9 mic itself has a silvery white luster, soft texture and good ductility, and also has good moisture resistance, airtightness, light shielding, abrasion resistance, fragrance retention, non-toxic and tasteless properties.
The alloy specification for 9 micron aluminum foil* usually depends on the intended use, but some common alloys used for thin aluminum foil production are the 1000, 3000, jeung 8000 alloy runtuyan.
Common aluminum alloys used for thin foils such as 9 ketebalan micron.
Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. nyaeta pamingpin loba pabrik aluminium sarta suppliers di Cina. Urang mastikeun ngadalikeun kualitas sarta fokus kana konsumén. Kami ngarepkeun kerjasama anu jero sareng anjeun sareng nyayogikeun anjeun produk bahan aluminium kualitas luhur jasa OEM khusus. Upami anjeun hoyong kéngingkeun harga pangénggalna sareng pangsaéna ku per kg atanapi per ton beurat standar, mangga ngahubungan kami.