Chocolate packaging aluminum foil is usually composed of aluminum and other alloying elements to increase its strength and corrosion resistance.
Salaku conto, thinner aluminum foil may provide better flexibility and packaging, but may require higher alloy strength to maintain its integrity. Dina waktos anu sasarengan, thicker aluminum foil can provide better protection performance, but may require higher cost and processing difficulty.
The surface treatment of chocolate packaging aluminum foil can improve its surface quality, corrosion resistance and operability of surface treatment.
These surface treatment methods can be selected and applied according to the specific requirements and production process of chocolate packaging.
We can produce aluminum foil roll for chocolate by your requirements. We also supply aluminum foil sheet for chocolate.
Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. nyaeta pamingpin loba pabrik aluminium sarta suppliers di Cina. Urang mastikeun ngadalikeun kualitas sarta fokus kana konsumén. Kami ngarepkeun kerjasama anu jero sareng anjeun sareng nyayogikeun anjeun produk bahan aluminium kualitas luhur jasa OEM khusus. Upami anjeun hoyong kéngingkeun harga pangénggalna sareng pangsaéna ku per kg atanapi per ton beurat standar, mangga ngahubungan kami.