Kumaha ngabedakeun aluminium foil jeung pilem aluminium

Kumaha ngabedakeun aluminium foil jeung pilem aluminium

Hiji arloji, dua, ngarasa, tilu, ngalipet, opat, pulas, 5, péso scraping, 6, métode seuneu, pikeun ngabantosan anjeun ngaidentipikasi bungkusan komposit plastik didamel tina aluminium foil atanapi bahan pilem aluminium.

dua, lalajo: kacaangan lapisan aluminium bungkusan henteu sakumaha caang sakumaha pilem aluminium plated, nyaeta, bungkusan dijieunna tina aluminium foil teu caang sakumaha bungkusan dijieunna tina pilem aluminium plated. Aluminum foil thick aluminum layer so strong shading, aluminum plating layer is very thin shading is poor, so can pass through the strong light is made of aluminum film, on the contrary, poor light transmittance is made of aluminum foil. Because the brightness of aluminized film is bright, the reflection of aluminum foil is not as good as that of aluminized film, but the refraction and shielding of aluminum foil are better than that of aluminized film. Aluminum foil packaging is silver white or silver gray, aluminum film packaging is silver yellow or silver black.

Three, ngarasa: aluminum foil packaging feel thick and crisp hard, heavy, aluminized film packaging feel lighter and softer than aluminum foil packaging.

Four, ngalipet: aluminum foil packaging is easy to fold fold dead fold dead mark, aluminum plated packaging will not fold into dead fold dead mark, and will soon rebound.

Five, pulas: aluminum foil packaging twist after coalescence is not easy to rebound, the aluminum layer will fracture. After the aluminum film packaging is twisted, the torsion will soon be scattered, and the aluminum layer will not have obvious cracks.

Six, péso scraping: aluminum foil knife can scrape off the aluminum scraps, the aluminum film will not scrape off the aluminum scraps and will be transparent on the film.

Seven, fire: aluminum foil with fire point is not easy to burn, aluminum layer will roll back, burning aluminum foil packaging will leave gray aluminum slag. The burning of aluminized film can occur in different conditions of plastic film, and there is no residue of aluminum slag.