1145 alloy aluminum foil and its sister aloi 1235 kuwa na kiwango cha chini cha aluminium 99.45%, na kemikali na mali ya kimwili ni karibu sawa. Mara kwa mara, baadhi ya makundi ya uzalishaji yanaweza kuthibitishwa mara mbili 1145 na 1235 aloi. Kama 1100 aloi za alumini, zote mbili zinachukuliwa kuwa aloi safi za kibiashara na uundaji bora.
Kutokana na maudhui ya juu ya alumini, aloi ya alumini 1145 conducts even better than 1100 aloi. Kwa upande mwingine, 1145 alloy is less and less on the market as many people find 1235 alloy more readily available as it responds equally well in most applications.
1145 alumini has the advantages of high formability, conductivity nzuri ya umeme, lightweight and corrosion resistance. Foil ya alumini 1145 is commonly used in capacitors, ufungaji wa chakula, printing foils, beauty salons, electrical appliances, batteries and households, nk.
The 1145 aluminum foil belongs to 1000 mfululizo, which is essentially pure with a aluminum content of 99%, which is widely applied in chemical industry and scientific experiment.
What is the composition of aluminum 1145?
Both 1100 na 1145 are aluminum alloys commonly used in a variety of applications, including foil production. While they share some similarities, there are also differences that make them suitable for specific purposes. Below is a comparison of 1100 na 1145 karatasi ya alumini:
Aluminum foil alloy composition:
1100 Aluminum Foil: This alloy is known for its high purity, with an aluminum content of approximately 99.0%. It’s almost entirely aluminum, so it’s soft and easy to work with. Has excellent corrosion resistance and thermal conductivity. 1145 Foil ya Alumini: This alloy is also high in aluminum, usually around 99.45%. Kama 1100, it has high purity, good formability and corrosion resistance.
Aluminum foil application:
1100 Foil ya Alumini: Because of its softness and high purity, 1100 aluminum foil is often used in applications where ductility and corrosion resistance are important, such as packaging, jikoni foil, and capacitor manufacturing. 1145 Foil ya Alumini: This alloy is often used in applications requiring high electrical conductivity. It is commonly used in transformer windings, capacitors, and other electrical applications.
Aluminum foil conductivity: 1100 Foil ya Alumini: While aluminum alloys have good electrical conductivity, they are less conductive than alloys specifically designed for electrical applications. 1145 Foil ya Alumini: This alloy is known for its excellent electrical conductivity due to its high aluminum content and purity. It is used when high conductivity is the main requirement. Aluminum foil strength and mechanical properties:
Both 1100 na 1145 aluminum foils are relatively soft and have low strength compared to other aluminum alloys. They are generally not used in applications requiring high mechanical strength. Cost and Availability:
The main difference between 1100 na 1145 aluminum foil is their specific application. 1100 is better suited for general purpose applications where ductility and corrosion resistance are important, such as packaging and kitchen foils. 1145, on the other hand, was chosen for its high conductivity and is often used in electrical applications such as transformers and capacitors.
Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. ndiye kiongozi wa watengenezaji na wasambazaji wengi wa alumini nchini China. Sisi madhubuti kudhibiti ubora na kuzingatia wateja. Tunatumai kuwa na ushirikiano wa kina na wewe na kukupa huduma za ubora wa juu wa vifaa vya alumini vya OEM. Iwapo ungependa kupata bei mpya na bora zaidi kwa kila kilo au kwa uzito wa kawaida wa tani, tafadhali wasiliana nasi.