Alloy parameters of aluminum foil for chocolate packaging

Chocolate packaging aluminum foil is usually composed of aluminum and other alloying elements to increase its strength and corrosion resistance.

Силсилаи хӯлаи1000, 3000, 8000 силсилаи хӯлаи алюминий
Alloy stateH18 or H19 hardened state
Alloy compositionpure aluminum containing more than 99% алюминий, ва дигар элементҳо ба монанди кремний, copper, manganese and magnesium, ва ғайра.
Ғафсӣ0.007мм-0.2мм, according to the needs of chocolate packaging
Васеъaccording to the requirements of the chocolate packaging machine

Барои намуна, thinner aluminum foil may provide better flexibility and packaging, but may require higher alloy strength to maintain its integrity. Ҳамзамон, thicker aluminum foil can provide better protection performance, but may require higher cost and processing difficulty.

Табобати рӯизаминӣ

The surface treatment of chocolate packaging aluminum foil can improve its surface quality, corrosion resistance and operability of surface treatment.

  • Frosted treatment: Frosted treatment can make the surface of aluminum foil smooth, remove surface blemishes and stains, thereby improving its appearance quality and printing effect.
  • Chemical treatment: Chocolate packaging aluminum foil can adopt chemical treatment methods, such as electrolytic oxidation, sulfite chemical treatment, ва ғайра. These chemical treatments can increase the corrosion resistance of aluminum foil and protect its surface from corrosion and oxidation.
  • Coating treatment: Coating treatment can protect the surface of chocolate packaging aluminum foil by applying a protective film. This coating can be an organic coating, such as polyamide or polyester, or an inorganic coating, such as aluminum oxide.
  • Calendering treatment: Through calendering treatment, uniform small protrusions and depressions can be formed on the surface of aluminum foil, thereby improving its surface gloss and printing performance.

These surface treatment methods can be selected and applied according to the specific requirements and production process of chocolate packaging.

We can produce aluminum foil roll for chocolate by your requirements. We also supply aluminum foil sheet for chocolate.

Чаро моро интихоб кунед?

Ширкати Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. пешвои бисёр истеҳсолкунандагон ва таъминкунандагони алюминий дар Чин аст. Мо ба таври қатъӣ сифатро назорат мекунем ва ба мизоҷон тамаркуз мекунем. Мо умедворем, ки бо шумо ҳамкории амиқ дошта бошем ва ба шумо маҳсулоти босифати алюминийро бо хидматҳои фармоишии OEM пешниҳод кунем. Агар шумо хоҳед, ки нархҳои навтарин ва беҳтаринро аз рӯи як кг ё як тонна вазни стандартӣ гиред, лутфан бо мо тамос гиред.

Хатти истеҳсоли фолгаи алюминий


  • Баста: Қуттии чӯбӣ
  • Мушаххасоти стандартии қуттии чӯбӣ: Дароз* Паҳно* Баландӣ=1,4м*1,3м*0,8м
  • Як бор лозим,андозаи корпуси чубинро мувофики талаб аз нав сохтан мумкин аст.
  • Барои як корпуси чӯбӣ Миқёси Вазни умумӣ: 500-700KG Вазни холис: 450-650КГ
  • Эзоҳ: Барои талаботи махсуси бастабандӣ, мувофикан илова карда шавад.