Бастаи фолгаи алюминӣ инчунин метавонад барои бастабандии ғизо истифода шавад, зеро он хеле тағйирпазир аст: онро ба осонӣ ба пораҳо табдил додан ва печонида кардан мумкин аст, печонидашуда ё печонидашуда. Фолгаи алюминӣ рӯшноӣ ва оксигенро комилан маҳкам мекунад (ки боиси оксидшавии чарб ё пусида мешавад), бӯй ва хушбӯй, намнокӣ ва бактерияҳо, ва аз ин рӯ метавонад дар бастабандии хӯрокворӣ ва дорусозӣ васеъ истифода шавад, аз чумла бастабандии дарозмуддат (aseptic packaging), for beverages and dairy products that can be stored without refrigeration. Aluminum foil containers and trays are used for scones, packaged takeaway meals, ready-to-eat snacks and long-life pet food.
Aluminum foil packaging is widely used for radiation shielding (barriers and reflectivity), heat exchangers (heat conduction) and cable linings (barriers and conductivity). Aluminum foil’s thermal conductivity makes it a common accessory in hookah equipment: a piece of aluminum foil with holes is often placed between the coal and tobacco so that the tobacco is heated without coming into direct contact with the burning coal.
Aluminum foil is also used for grilling delicate foods such as mushrooms and vegetables. Wrap food in aluminum foil and place it on the grill to prevent moisture loss, which can lead to a less appealing texture.
Like all metal objects, aluminum foil will react and put it in the microwave. This is because the electromagnetic field of the microwave induces an electric current in the foil and creates a high electrical potential at the tip of the foil. If the potential is high enough, an arc will be generated in areas of low potential, even in the air around the board. Modern microwave ovens are designed to prevent the reflection of microwave energy from damaging the cavity magnetron, and aluminum packaging for microwave heating is provided.