1060 aluminium foil introduction

1060 aluminium foil is a pure aluminium product in the 1 seriya, with 1060 Al content of 99.6% and only a very small amount of other elements. Shuning uchun, 1060 aluminium foil retains the excellent ductility, korroziyaga qarshilik, electrical conductivity, issiqlik o'tkazuvchanligi, va boshqalar. of pure aluminium.


Alyuminiy folga 1060 element composition

The addition of other metal components in the 1060 alloy also slightly improves the strength and alloying properties of 1060 alyuminiy folga, giving full play to its various characteristics and can be used in many fields.

alyuminiy 1060 foil metal content table(%)

1060 aluminium foil product specifications

Aluminum Series1000 seriya
Qotishma darajasi1060 qotishma
Standard Size1000x2000mm;1250x2500mm;1220x2440mm;1524x3048mm
Ilovaoziq-ovqat qadoqlash, farmatsevtik qadoqlash, battery foil

1060 aluminium foil mechanical properties

Alloy TemperMustahkamlik chegarasiHosildorlik kuchiCho'zilish
1060 Ey alyuminiy folga50-70 MPa (7.3-10.1 ksi)35-55 MPa (5.1-8.0 ksi)25-35%
1060 H12 aluminum foil95-125 MPa (13.8-18.1 ksi)75-105 MPa (10.9-15.2 ksi)12-18%
1060 H14 aluminum foil105-135 MPa (15.2-19.6 ksi)85-115 MPa (12.3-16.7 ksi)10-15%
1060 H16 aluminum foil120-150 MPa (17.4-21.8 ksi)95-125 MPa (13.8-18.1 ksi)8-12%
1060 H18 alyuminiy folga130-160 MPa (18.9-23.2 ksi)105-135 MPa (15.2-19.6 ksi)6-10%
1060 H22 aluminum foil100-130 MPa (14.5-18.9 ksi)80-105 MPa (11.6-15.2 ksi)15-20%
1060 H24 aluminum foil110-140 MPa (16.0-20.3 ksi)90-115 MPa (13.1-16.7 ksi)12-17%
1060 H26 aluminum foil130-160 MPa (18.9-23.2 ksi)100-130 MPa (14.5-18.9 ksi)8-12%
1060 H28 aluminum foil140-170 MPa (20.3-24.6 ksi)110-140 MPa (16.0-20.3 ksi)6-10%
1060 H111 aluminum foil70-95 MPa (10.1-13.8 ksi)55-75 MPa (8.0-10.9 ksi)18-25%

Alyuminiy folga 1060 performance advantages

As a high-purity aluminum alloy product, 1060 aluminum foil has a series of excellent characteristics, mainly including the following aspects:

ning xususiyatlari 1060 alyuminiy folga

As a high-purity aluminum alloy product, 1060 aluminum foil has a series of excellent characteristics.

High purity and composition

The aluminum content of 1060 alyuminiy folga kabi baland 99.6%, mainly composed of aluminum and a small amount of copper, marganets, zinc, chromium and other elements. This high purity makes the performance of aluminum 1060 foil more stable and reliable.

Good ductility and toughness

1060 aluminum foil can be easily folded into various shapes, which is convenient for packaging and use. Shuning uchun, it can be widely used in food packaging, building materials, electronic products and other fields.

Excellent thermal conductivity

It can dissipate heat quickly and is suitable for the packaging of frozen foods and cooked foods. It is also used to manufacture automotive heat sinks, air conditioning heat sinks, va boshqalar.

Yaxshi o'tkazuvchanlik

In the manufacture of electronic devices, 1060 aluminum foil is used to make capacitors, wires, cables, va boshqalar.

High corrosion resistance

1060 aluminum foil can resist the erosion of oxygen and moisture, ensuring the safety and long-term preservation of packaged food.

Good antioxidant performance

It can effectively prevent the occurrence of oxidation reactions and maintain the quality and appearance of the product.

Good cold pressing

1060 aluminum foil adopts cold pressing technology, which eliminates the heating link and reduces energy consumption and cost. Xuddi o'sha payt, 1060 is also suitable for cold pressing aluminum blister packaging machines and heat sealing of PVC.

1060 aluminum foil for battery packaging

1060 aluminum foil is widely used in the field of battery packaging due to its superior performance. 1060 aluminum foil has good electrical and thermal conductivity, which is essential for thermal management and current transmission in battery packaging. 1060 aluminum foil material has high plasticity and can meet various complex battery packaging shapes and size requirements. Xuddi o'sha payt, 1060 aluminum foil has strong corrosion resistance and can resist chemical corrosion that may be encountered during battery packaging.

ning qo'llanilishi 1060 foil in battery packaging
Battery soft connection: 1060 aluminum foil is often used to make battery soft connection, especially in power battery packs. Its good conductivity and plasticity make the connection more reliable and easy to install.
Battery pole ear material: In the battery manufacturing process, 1060 aluminum foil is also often used as battery pole ear material to ensure the effective transmission of current between the inside and outside of the battery.
Aluminum foil for battery explosion-proof valve: In order to improve the safety of the battery, some battery manufacturers will set an explosion-proof valve inside the battery. 1060 aluminum foil is widely used in the manufacture of explosion-proof valves due to its good ductility and sealing properties.
Battery packaging material: directly used as the outer packaging material of the battery, 1060 aluminum foil can provide excellent barrier properties, preventing the internal substances of the battery from reacting with the external environment, while protecting the battery from physical damage.

Nima uchun bizni tanlaysiz?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. Xitoyda ko'plab alyuminiy ishlab chiqaruvchilar va etkazib beruvchilarning etakchisi. Biz sifatni qat'iy nazorat qilamiz va mijozlarga e'tibor qaratamiz. Umid qilamizki, siz bilan chuqur hamkorlik qilamiz va sizga yuqori sifatli alyuminiy materiallardan tayyorlangan OEM xizmatlarini taqdim etamiz. Eng yangi va eng yaxshi narxlarni kg boshiga yoki tonna standart og'irlik bo'yicha olishni istasangiz, iltimos biz bilan bog'laning.

Alyuminiy folga ishlab chiqarish liniyasi


  • Paket: Yog'och quti
  • Yog'och qutining standart spetsifikatsiyasi: Uzunlik * Kenglik * Balandlik = 1,4 m * 1,3 m * 0,8 m
  • Bir marta kerak,yog'och quti o'lchami kerak bo'lganda qayta ishlab chiqilishi mumkin.
  • Yog'och quti uchun Brüt Og'irlik o'lchovi: 500-700KG sof vazn: 450-650KG
  • Izoh: Maxsus qadoqlash talablari uchun, tegishlicha qo‘shiladi.