Alyuminiy folga litiy-ionli batareyalarni qurishda muhim rol o'ynaydi. Savdoda ko'plab modellar mavjud 1000-8000 batareya ishlab chiqarishda ishlatilishi mumkin bo'lgan seriyali qotishmalar.
Sof alyuminiy folga: Lityum batareyalarda keng qo'llaniladigan sof alyuminiy folga turli xil qotishma navlarini o'z ichiga oladi, masalan 1060, 1050, 1145, va 1235. Ushbu plyonkalar odatda turli holatlarda, masalan, O, H14, H18, H24, H22.
Ayniqsa, qotishma 1145. The alloy is known for its high electrical conductivity, low impurity content and good formability, making it suitable for use as a current collector in batteries.
Other aluminum alloys that can be used in battery applications include the 3xxx series of alloys, kabi 3003 va 3104, which offer a balance of strength and formability. Qo'shimcha, some battery manufacturers may use 8xxx series alloys to meet specific performance requirements.
Aluminum-silicon alloy foil: Aluminum foil containing silicon alloy is a promising anode material for next-generation lithium-ion batteries. They offer a balance between low cost, environmental friendliness and high performance.
Researchers found that aluminum foil anodes exhibit higher performance and stability in solid-state batteries compared to traditional lithium-ion batteries. Umuman, the selection of aluminum alloys for battery applications depends on factors such as conductivity, shakllanuvchanlik, strength and cost considerations.