1235 ju'un u aluminio utia'al u batería

1235 Le ju'un aluminio le jump'éel ju'un aleación aluminio yéetel jump'éel asab contenido ti' le 1000 serie. Leti' jump'éel xooko'obo' aleación aluminio ka'anal calidad je'el u páajtal u ampliamente utilizado ti' ya'ab sikte. Je'el u páajtal u ampliamente utilizado ti' envases ju'un aluminio yo'osal janalbe'eno'ob yéetel envases ju'un aluminio medicinal. Bey xan u páajtal utilizar utia'al u embalaje baterías.


Lámina batería 1235 element content


1235 aluminum foil specification

AtemperarF,O,H12,H14,H16 H18,H19,H22,H24 H26,H28,H114

1235 battery foil specification deviation

Espesor(milímetro)Thickness Tolerance(milímetro)Width Range(milímetro)Width Tolerance(milímetro)Outer Diameter(milímetro)Outer Diameter ToleranceCore Inner Diameter
Note:We can customize according to customer needs

1235 battery aluminum foil mechanical properties

Mechanical properties of 1235 aluminum foil used in battery packaging at room temperature.

EspesorAtemperarTensile Strength(Mpa)Alargamiento(%)

1235 Battery foil surface quality requirements

When used in battery foil packaging, the upper surface of 1235 aluminum foil should be uniform in color, clean, flat, and free of aluminum chips and powder. Corrosion marks, obvious wheel marks, crushing pits and other defects that may affect use are not allowed. The dark side of the double-sided aluminum foil is not allowed to have clearly visible bright spots, and the smooth side should not have rolling defects such as spots, herringbones, bright lines, etc. and uneven brightness that would affect the use.

1235-ju'un aluminio
1235-ju'un aluminio

The aluminum foil roll should be wound with appropriate tightness, the end face should be flush and clean, the edges should be smooth, and there should be no burrs, arrows, towers, ruffles, warped edges and other defects that affect use. Aluminum foil is not allowed to have defects such as loose edges on one side or loose edges in the middle that may affect coating.

The misalignment of aluminum foil rolls is not allowed to exceed 1.omm.


Ba'axten elegir k.?

Henan Huawei Aluminio Co., Ltd. Le líder ya'ab fabricantes yéetel Páaybe'en aluminio ti' China. Controlamos estrictamente le calidad ka k centramos ti' le clientes. K pa'atik yaantal jump'éel cooperación taam yéetel tech ka ts'aik yik'áalil xooko'obo' aluminio ka'anal calidad, yéetel OEM personalizados. Wa k'áato' kéen p'áatak le ti' ka asab túumben tojol tumen kg wa tumen tonelada peso estándar, Búukint u ti' máax ku To'one'.

Internet ichil producción ju'un aluminio


  • Paquete: Jiri'ich che'
  • Especificación le máabeno' che' estándar: Largo * Ancho * ka'anal = 1,4 m * 1,3 m * 0,8 m
  • Una pakteche' ka u necesite,Dimensión le máabeno' che' ku páajtal rediseñar bin bixake' k'a'abéet.
  • Tuméen jiri'ich che' Báscula u peso bruto: 500-700KG Peso Neto: 450-650KG
  • Comentario: Utia'al u requisitos especiales u embalaje, Ku añadirán le tu yo'osal.