What is Aluminum foil for decoration

Aluminum foil for decoration is a specially processed aluminum foil product, Ba'ax ku meyajtiko'ob chuunil laat'a'an utia'al u decoración, Embalaje ka fines artesanales.

Ba'axten lo general, jach asab O'olkij ka brillante u le ju'un aluminio ordinario, yéetel u páajtal imprimir yéetel jejeláas patrones yéetel boonilo'ob utia'al u ya'abtal u táanil decorativos yéetel visuales.

Le ju'un aluminio decorativo ku meyaj ku utia'al u meentik cajas siibal, candy packaging, flower packaging, Envasado janalbe'eno'ob, bottle caps, etc. It can effectively protect items from the external environment, and can also improve the display and sales of items.

What style does the aluminum foil for decoration look like?

Tu términos generales, decorative aluminum foil will be relatively thin and flexible, which can be easily bent and wrapped around items. Common decorative aluminum foil products include fancy aluminum foil and hot stamping aluminum foil with different colors, patterns and textures.

Alloy model and its parameter specification

AleaciónEspesor Kóoch Largura
1100, 1060, 10500.02mm to 0.2mm200mm to 1300mmCan be customized according to customer needs
3003, 31050.02mm to 0.2mm200mm to 1300mm
5052, 51820.02mm to 0.2mm200mm to 1300mm
80110.01mm to 0.2mm200mm to 1300mm

8011 ju'un aluminio
decorative aluminum foil paper

The decoration foil is a decoration material used through aluminum-plastic composite method, which uses the characteristics of good coloring and high light and heat reflectance of aluminum foil. It is mainly used for construction, furniture decoration and part of gift box packaging.

The decoration foil has the advantages of heat insulation, Resistencia le humedad, sound insulation, fire prevention and easy cleaning, and it is luxurious in appearance, convenient in processing, and fast in construction equipment.

Ba'axten elegir k.?

Henan Huawei Aluminio Co., Ltd. Le líder ya'ab fabricantes yéetel Páaybe'en aluminio ti' China. Controlamos estrictamente le calidad ka k centramos ti' le clientes. K pa'atik yaantal jump'éel cooperación taam yéetel tech ka ts'aik yik'áalil xooko'obo' aluminio ka'anal calidad, yéetel OEM personalizados. Wa k'áato' kéen p'áatak le ti' ka asab túumben tojol tumen kg wa tumen tonelada peso estándar, Búukint u ti' máax ku To'one'.

Internet ichil producción ju'un aluminio


  • Paquete: Jiri'ich che'
  • Especificación le máabeno' che' estándar: Largo * Ancho * ka'anal = 1,4 m * 1,3 m * 0,8 m
  • Una pakteche' ka u necesite,Dimensión le máabeno' che' ku páajtal rediseñar bin bixake' k'a'abéet.
  • Tuméen jiri'ich che' Báscula u peso bruto: 500-700KG Peso Neto: 450-650KG
  • Comentario: Utia'al u requisitos especiales u embalaje, Ku añadirán le tu yo'osal.