Ba'ax ku páajtal biilankiltej ju'un aluminio ti' recipientes janalbe'eno'ob.?

Ju'un aluminio, Bey xooko'obo' metálico, Ku meyajtiko'ob habitualmente ti' le fabricación envases janalbe'eno'ob. Le recipientes ju'un aluminio le jump'éel opción Seguro yo'osal empaquetar yéetel almacenar tuláakal bin yano'ob janalbe'eno'ob debido a u ligereza, Propiedades resistencia le corrosión yéetel conductividad térmica. Yaan ya'ab yáantajo'ob.

1. Le nu'ukul tu'ux yaan le ju'un aluminio yaan u resistencia le corrosión: the surface of aluminum foil can form a natural oxide layer, which provides anti-corrosion performance and is suitable for storing a variety of foods, including acidic and alkaline items.

2. Aluminum foil container is light in weight: aluminum is light in weight, easy to transport, especially beneficial for packaging and distributing food.

3. Aluminum foil containers have good thermal conductivity: Aluminum is an excellent thermal conductor, which means that food can be cooked or heated evenly in aluminum containers. This characteristic makes aluminum containers suitable for cooking and reheating purposes.

4. Aluminum foil containers are recyclable: Le aluminio Jach ma'alob reciclable, and aluminum foil containers after use can be recycled.

5. Container aluminum foil can be processed into various shapes and sizes: Aluminum containers come in various shapes and sizes to meet different food storage and service needs.

Aluminum foil for food container parameters

  • Double bright side
  • Aleación: 3003, 8011 etc
  • Atemperar: O ( HO ), H22, H24 etc
  • Espesor: 20 micra, 200 micron etc
  • Kóoch: 100milímetro, 600mm etc

Food aluminum foil container application

Ba'axten elegir k.?

Henan Huawei Aluminio Co., Ltd. Le líder ya'ab fabricantes yéetel Páaybe'en aluminio ti' China. Controlamos estrictamente le calidad ka k centramos ti' le clientes. K pa'atik yaantal jump'éel cooperación taam yéetel tech ka ts'aik yik'áalil xooko'obo' aluminio ka'anal calidad, yéetel OEM personalizados. Wa k'áato' kéen p'áatak le ti' ka asab túumben tojol tumen kg wa tumen tonelada peso estándar, Búukint u ti' máax ku To'one'.

Internet ichil producción ju'un aluminio


  • Paquete: Jiri'ich che'
  • Especificación le máabeno' che' estándar: Largo * Ancho * ka'anal = 1,4 m * 1,3 m * 0,8 m
  • Una pakteche' ka u necesite,Dimensión le máabeno' che' ku páajtal rediseñar bin bixake' k'a'abéet.
  • Tuméen jiri'ich che' Báscula u peso bruto: 500-700KG Peso Neto: 450-650KG
  • Comentario: Utia'al u requisitos especiales u embalaje, Ku añadirán le tu yo'osal.