Espesor: 0.006-0.2milímetro
Kóoch: 20-1600milímetro
Material state: O, H14, H16, H18, etc.
Sikte ka'anatako'ob: Janalbe'eno'ob cocinados envasados, Yik'áalil marinados, Yik'áalil bu'ul, caramelo, chukwa', etc.
Le lámina yaan u excelentes propiedades impermeabilidad (Especialmente yo'osal oxígeno yéetel vapor ja') ka sombreado, and also has the characteristics of shape retention and rigidity. Tune', the use of aluminum foil to package food is mainly to prevent air from entering food packaging bags.
Aluminum foil is nothing more than a 0.004 to 0.24mm thick aluminum alloy sheet, aluminum foil is 8 times thinner than a banknote, but it has good protection against
sáasil, liquid, ka bacterias.
1. High barrier, Anti-oxidación, can extend the shelf life of food. 2. High mechanical strength, strong impact resistance, and puncture ability. 3. Strong adaptability, able to adapt to various environments. 4. Strong applicability, can do all kinds of packaging. 5. The appearance is beautiful, stimulating consumers’ desire to buy. 6. Green and environmental protection, low cost.
Executable Standards for Aluminum Foil for Food Packaging Executable standards: national standard, American standard, European standard, Russian standard, Japanese standard, etc.
Henan Huawei Aluminio Co., Ltd. Le líder ya'ab fabricantes yéetel Páaybe'en aluminio ti' China. Controlamos estrictamente le calidad ka k centramos ti' le clientes. K pa'atik yaantal jump'éel cooperación taam yéetel tech ka ts'aik yik'áalil xooko'obo' aluminio ka'anal calidad, yéetel OEM personalizados. Wa k'áato' kéen p'áatak le ti' ka asab túumben tojol tumen kg wa tumen tonelada peso estándar, Búukint u ti' máax ku To'one'.