Things you shouldn’t do with aluminum foil?

Things you shouldn’t do with aluminum foil?

  • U píibil yiit: Ma' extienda ju'un aluminio tu inferior píibil. Le ba'ala' je'el meentik u píibil u sobrecaliente ka provoque jump'éel incendio.
  • Much'ik yéetel janalbe'eno'ob ácidos: Le ju'un aluminio ma' k'a'ana'an wokol ichil Máax ku janalbe'eno'ob ácidos bey le súuts', P'aako'obo', jump'éel uláak' janalbe'eno'ob ácidos. Le k'iino'oba' janalbe'eno'ob páajtal u disolver le ju'un aluminio, Ya'abtal le contenido aluminio le janalbe'eno'ob.
  • Hornee rejillas horno limpias: Aluminum foil should not be used to cover oven racks. This blocks air flow and can increase the temperature inside the oven, which can destroy the oven.
  • Induction hobs: Do not use aluminum foil on induction hobs. Aluminum foil is not a suitable material to use on induction hobs because it does not respond to electromagnetic induction to heat food.
  • Long-term storage: Do not store acidic or salty foods in aluminum foil for a long time. This can cause aluminum to leach into food, which is bad for your health.